Advance with MUSC Health

Family Health & Fitness Day: Build Healthy Habits as a Family

Advance With MUSC Health
June 09, 2023
Two adults and two small children smiling and dancing indoors.

Family Health and Fitness Day is a great reminder of the importance of building healthy habits as a family.

To help celebrate, Dr. Elizabeth Penn has compiled a list of activities and habits that the whole family will enjoy. Remember, the family that practices wellness together grows together.

Make Healthy Eating Choices

Poor dietary habits established during childhood might persist into adulthood, increasing the risk of developing obesity and other health-related complications. Evaluate your family’s eating habits and incorporate some fun, healthy eating habits.

  • Make time to eat together: Taking time to eat together as a family has shown positive impacts on children’s dietary behaviors. Family mealtime is an excellent opportunity to get the entire family involved with recipe selection, discussing portions, and having the family help with age-appropriate prep and kitchen tasks.
  • Eat the rainbow: The colors serve a nutritional purpose and make mealtime fun! Therefore, it's important to “eat a rainbow,” – meaning you eat fruits and vegetables from each color and get a variety of essential vitamins and nutrients that can prevent disease. It's recommended that at mealtime, half of your plate is filled with fruits and vegetables.
  • Grow your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs: Gardening helps kids engage their curiosity, learn to be resourceful, and gain self-confidence. It also is a great way to get the entire family outside for fresh air and physical activity. Start small and with easy foods to grow in the garden, such as green beans or those that produce heavily, such as grape tomatoes.

Make Time to Play

Between school, work, and playdates, it can be hard to fit family time and physical activity into your family’s busy schedule. Active play helps strengthen family bonds that are crucial for your child’s social and emotional development. Plus, you all get the daily exercise you need at the same time!

  • Make time to play classic outdoor games: Hide and seek, kick the can, kickball, hopscotch, tag, jump rope, and other childhood games are all active games you can introduce to your kids.
  • Head to the playground for some active play: Monkey bars, climbing walls, swings, and more await at your local playground.
  • Take a bike ride or go for a walk: Bike rides and family walks are a great way to get moving. You can incorporate these activities into your daily schedule before or after dinner.
  • If your family doesn’t have a favorite fitness activity, try a new activity once a week: Whether it’s an online yoga video, playing catch, or exploring local parks, it’s a great way to mix it up and find something you all enjoy.

Make Your Family Healthy Living Advocates

More than 50% of disease risk factors are related to genetic mutations that run through the family. It is imperative to know the family history as it helps reduce the risk of developing health problems. While this can be a lot for small kids, starting early will build the foundation for healthy living and equip your family to be wellness advocates.

  • Find a primary care provider: Primary Care is crucial for healthy living. Set the example for your family and ensure everyone is current on screenings, vaccines, and annual wellness visits.
  • Maintain a family health record: You can't change genes, but you can change habits. Knowing your family health history puts you ahead of the curve and allows you to change your lifestyle to help reduce the risk of developing a hereditary condition. Discuss vital information such as ethnicity, ancestry, and historical family health conditions as your family matures.
  • Be Transparent: Empower your family to discuss mental and physical health. Normalizing the conversation about mental and physical health empowers your family to talk and get the help they need.

Although family health and fitness day is observed only one day, make a resolution to upgrade your family's health by incorporating good at-home habits that work for your family. It is our responsibility to care for our future generation and the dear ones in our family.

Make an Appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Penn In Bluffton, South Carolina!

Dr. Penn is accepting new patients from birth to 18 years of age for in-person and video visits in Bluffton, SC. She has worked extensively as a pediatric hospitalist, covering normal newborn nursery care, general pediatric admissions, and emergency room consultations. Call 843-757-7700 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Penn today.