Advance with MUSC Health

Advance With MUSC Health Library

All Advance Stories

Healthy Aging
Showing 1 – 10 (of 52)
woman getting her neck examined

Head and Neck Cancer

June 03, 2024

Learn about head and neck cancer symptoms, risk factors, the importance of early detection for improved survival rates, and how Hollings can help.

Dr. Blank at a desk with hands on keyboard

Shingles: Vaccine & FAQs

May 17, 2024

In this Q&A with Dr. Erika Blank, learn how the new shingles vaccine offers robust protection against this discomfort & its lasting effects.

A person hugging an older person.

Death and Healthy Living

March 12, 2024

Supporting loved ones through grief is important. Learn about bereavement, coping mechanisms, and meaningful ways to offer comfort.

Person running on the beach

Not-to-Do List

January 15, 2024

10 not-to-do actions for a healthier year. Avoidance will improve health and reduce stress that leads to failing health.

A doctor talks to a patient on a computer screen.

Telehealth at MUSC Health

December 28, 2023

Explore the future of health care with telehealth at MUSC Health – your gateway to convenient, secure, and innovative medical consultations from anywhere.

A couple smiles while holding a wrapped gift; a lit Christmas tree is scene in the background.

Healthy Holiday Season

December 05, 2023

Dr. Jerry Reves' Healthy Holiday Plan: Navigate festivities with moderation, mindful eating and self-care for a joyful and well-balanced season.

Person laying on the floor.

Top Reasons for Balance Issues

December 04, 2023

Safeguard your well-being with expert advice on fall prevention and spine care from MUSC Health Spine Center. Your journey to better balance starts here.

Care team member administering vaccine shot

Healthy Aging Flu Season

November 01, 2023

Stay healthy this flu season: Get both your COVID and flu vaccines. Dr. Jerry Reves explains why in his Healthy Aging column.

Person cupping left hand to left ear in attempt to hear better.

Hearing Loss

October 02, 2023

Dr. Reves explains the effects of aging on hearing and how to address hearing loss early and effectively.

Stock photo of street lined with palm trees.

Mental Health & Hurricanes

August 25, 2023

Tips on how to minimize major stressors to our mental & physical health during threat of a major weather event.

Showing 1 – 10 (of 52)