Advance with MUSC Health

Advance With MUSC Health Library

All Advance Stories

Critical Care
Showing 1 – 5 (of 5)
Rami Zebian M.D.

New Lung Cancer Screening Tool

June 28, 2022

Dr. Rami Zebian talks about lung cancer screening and the new tool that is helping to detect and stage lung cancer sooner.

Dr. Evert Eriksson

Chest Wall Reconstruction

June 06, 2022

General surgeon, Dr. Evert Eriksson, specializes chest wall injuries. He explains what sets MUSC apart in this area & the hope he offers to his patients.

Katlyn Baxter M.D.

Recovery After ICU

March 14, 2022

Katie Baxter, D.O., discusses the recovery journey after ICU stay and Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS).

Doctor looking at chest x-ray on a computer screen.

Chest Wall Injury Centers

December 14, 2021

Evert Eriksson, M.D., joins others to describe pathways to success in developing chest wall injury centers (CWICs) at their respective institutions.

 Dr. Walz and PT Jenna Domann

Novel PICU Program

June 10, 2021

Novel PICU Program Reduces Sedation and Increases Mobility to Improve Critical Care Outcomes

Showing 1 – 5 (of 5)