Advance with MUSC Health

Advance With MUSC Health Library

All Advance Stories

Showing 1 – 6 (of 6)
A person sleeping.

Clean Up Your Sleep Hygiene

November 23, 2022

Have you picked up some unhygienic sleep habits over the years? Dr. John Freedy shares some tips to help “clean things up” and improve your sleep quality.

Erika Blank, M.D.

Reversing Chronic Disease

July 18, 2022

In this episode, Dr. Erika Blank, an MUSC Health physician, talks about how evidence-based, lifestyle medicine is changing the lives of MUSC Health patients.

A woman in bed trying to sleep.

Persistent Nightmares

April 20, 2022

Nightmare disorder can be treated with cognitive and behavioral therapy and with medications.

An overhead view of a baby in a crib.

Safe Sleep

September 29, 2021

There are three steps to safe sleep which are known as the “ABC’s of Safe Sleep.”

Tips For Better Sleep

March 02, 2021

Getting less than the recommended amount of sleep each night can have negative short- and long-term health effects.

Showing 1 – 6 (of 6)